– R.I.P. 2016 (technically 2017)

Today we witnessed a major event in the evolution of cloud services. 

In 2013, Facebook purchased a cloud API and data management service provider, This popular service served as the data repository and authentication/persistence management backend for over 600,000 applications. provided a robust and predictably affordable set of functionalities that allowed the developers of these mobile and web applications to create sustainable business models without needing to invest in robust datacenter infrastructures. These developers built Parse’s API calls directly into their application source code, and this allowed for extremely rapid development and deployment of complex apps to a hungry mobile user base.

Today, less than three short years later, Facebook announced that would be shuttered and gave their customers less than a year to move out. 

From the outside, it’s hard to understand this decision. Facebook recently announced that they had crossed the $1B quarterly profit number for the first time, so it’s not reasonable to assume that the Parse group was bleeding the company dry. Certainly the internal economics of the service aren’t well known, so it’s possible that the service wasn’t making Facebook any, or possibly enough, money. There was no change in pricing that was attempted, and this announcement was rather sudden.

No matter the internal (and hidden) reason, this development provides active evidence of an extreme threat to those enterprises that choose to utilize cloud services not just for hosting of generic application workloads and data storage, but for specific offerings such as database services, analytics, authentication or messaging- things that can’t be easily moved or ported once internal applications reference these services’ specific API’s. 

Why is this threat extreme? 

Note that Facebook is making LOTS of money and STILL chose to shutter this service. Now, point your gaze at Amazon or Microsoft and see the litany of cloud services they are offering. Amazon isn’t just EC2 and S3 anymore- you’ve got Redshift and RDS among dozens of other API-based offerings that customers can simply tap into at will. It’s a given that EACH of these individual services will require groups of people to continue development, and provide customer support, and so each comes with it an ongoing and expensive overhead. 

However, it’s NOT a given that each (or any) of these other individual services will provide the requisite profits to Amazon (or Microsoft, IBM, etc) that would prevent the service provider from simply changing their minds and focusing their efforts on more profitable services, leaving the users of the unprofitable service in the lurch. There’s also the very real dynamic of M&A, where the service provider can purchase a technology that would render the existing service (and its expensive overhead) redundant. 

While it’s relatively simple to migrate OS-based server instances and disk/object-based data from one cloud provider to another (there are several tools and cloud offerings that can automate this), it’s another thing entirely to re-write internal applications that directly reference the APIs of these cloud-based data services, and replicate the data services’ functionality. Certainly there are well-documented design patterns that can abstract the API calls themselves, however migrating to a similar service given a pending service shutdown (as is faced today with requires the customer to hunt down another service that will provide almost identical functionality, and if that’s not possible, the customer will have to get (perhaps back) into the infrastucture game.

Regardless of how the situation is resolved, it forces the developer (and CIO) to re-think the entire business model of the application, as a service shuttering such as this can easily turn the economics of a business endeavor upside-down. This event should serve as a wake-up call for developers thinking of using such services, and force them to architect their apps up-front, utilizing multiple cloud data services simultaneously through API abstraction. Of course, this changes the economics up-front as well. 

So for all you enterprise developers building your company’s apps and thinking about not just using services and storage in the cloud, but possibly porting your internal SQL and other databases to the service-based data services provided by the likes of Amazon, buyer beware. You’ve just been given a very recent, real-world example of what can happen when you not only outsource your IT infrastructure, but your very business MODEL, to the cloud. Perhaps there are some things better left to internal resources.